Interview with the Assassin 2002


Almost forty years after the John F. Kennedy assassination, an ex-Marine named Walter Ohlinger has come forward with a startling claim.

All Titles
  • US: Interview with the Assassin Interview with the Assassin
  • BG: Интервю с убиец Интервю с убиец
  • FI: Tappajan tunnustus Tappajan tunnustus
  • HU: A Kennedy-gyilkosság - Interjú a merénylővel A Kennedy-gyilkosság - Interjú a merénylővel
  • PL: Wywiad z zabójca Wywiad z zabójca
  • PT: O Homem Que Matou J.F. Kennedy O Homem Que Matou J.F. Kennedy
  • RU: Интервью с убийцей Интервью с убийцей
  • ES: Entrevista con el asesino Entrevista con el asesino
Released 09 May 2002
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